Wednesday, 9 April 2014

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the process of creating our title sequence, we learnt a lot about the importance of knowing how to use the equipment we had hired out properly. We were also able to use film and TV information website IMDB to look at various actors which could be used for the film and what goes into making a piece of professional film (what needs to be included in the pre-production etc).

In the production of the sequence we used two cameras. We started with a Canon Powershot SX170 Compact Digital Camera and did pick up shots and final shots with a Canon EOS 1100D 12MP DSLR. We started with the Powershot because it shot in 720p and seemed suitable for what we needed. It was all good only it takes AA batteries and only has autofocus. 12 batteries later and a dozen blurry shots we gave up on day one of filming. When shooting again we borrowed a Canon DSLR and this was far easier and more successful for shooting with. It focused on the areas we wanted and the battery lasted far longer, which was beneficial. The manual focus meant we could get some extremely close up with a shallow depth of field.

The first day of filming had challenges to it, a) because of the camera used, b) because of the lighting. On the camera screen, the lighting we used looked fine but on the iMac was nowhere near ideal. We had only used a key light rather than a fill light and key light. We re-shot these shots with a brighter light and better camera and they come out fine.

In editing we used Final Cut Pro, which had everything we needed. Many of our shots were stills and in editing we split the screen and put on the Bad TV effect, which gave it a jittery and static look. For the shots that we had first filmed, we used colour correction software to lighten up some shots because the first day of shooting was too dark. 

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